Tropical Adelie

Witness the developing process of Lia's flying

Developer Blog

  • The starting point and after

    This Lia’s flying project was started from a unilateral promise to my friend 3 years ago, that I will be at the opening ceremony of Paris Olympic Game 2024. I made the promise but I didn’t know how to fulfil it. I was living on the other side of the earth and working as a…

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  • Postcard lover

    I myself am quite fond of sending postcard when I was travelling. My receiver always change as I made new friends. I find it fun to receive a letter that contains the sender’s feeling of long time ago, while the relationship may has already changed between the sender and the receiver because of instant internet…

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  • Some story plot come to my mind

    I find myself can’t do anything without a proper structure, but the structure came not from the beginning but actually very late. The very basic thing can only start from a sense of strong feeling and then develop into a structure. The whole game is really a travelling thing like some sorts of road movies,…

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