Tropical Adelie

Witness the developing process of Lia's flying

Developer Blog

  • Finishing IAP

    Fix last day’s IAP thing with unity In-App Purchasing package, and roll out v0.82 for myself to test if the purchase works. Busy busying. I’ve heard that it takes so long for the update to show on Play Store, so it’s time to relax. Lia’s flying Lia’s flying is a constantly developing project. If you…

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  • IAP thing

    Dealing with In-App Purchase thing today,  till Google tell me I have something to be done in my APK. So I chose to put it away and wait for the answer to pop up. Lia’s flying Lia’s flying is a constantly developing project. If you are interesting in mobile game making process, it is now…

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  • Welcome World!

    Welcome to Lia’s newly built home, Lia herself is planning for the next trip though. Introducing new mobile game app. Lia’ flying

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