Tropical Adelie

Witness the developing process of Lia's flying

What do I do when I feel confused(like right now) — recording the thinking process

I am confused again, but I don’t know why I am confused, so I decided to stop what I was doing and write a blog to sort things out.

What I am doing now is that, I am writing a business plan for Lia’s flying. Usually it should be done before everything start, but my mind works differently, I can’t feel anything that’s not physically there. So it took me months to set up the foundation for this project, I made rough draft, published unfinished app and built up unpolished website. So that now from developing to marketing, I have something to work with, a reliable business plan will be built upon this first layer. I think this is part of “Show your work”.

So what do I want now, let’s go back to why I started this project, because I found myself nervous, about career, relationship, and perhaps World War III. This status is not what I like and what I want, it kills mind. So I started to look for methods to calm myself down. Then I thought of Lia.

Lia’s was one of my dream that I used to record in my sketchbook the next morning after the dreaming night. She hadn’t even got a name in my dream. The dream was only me experiencing flying upon a skateboard and holding an umbrella for solar energy charging. That’s the feeling I want to ease my tension.

Maybe I can make this into a game, maybe this is something that some other one needs. People who lives in the city may feel the same tension as I do, because cities are much more complicate than they used to be.

Lightness is one of the key word from the dream. The second key word will be Emptiness, I find me spacing out when I passed through buildings and trees in my dream, it feels almost like meditation.

Yes! Exactly! MEDITATION! Lia’s flying is about meditation. But I don’t really know how meditation works, that’s the thing I need to learn about first. Till now ,maybe I’ve already found out why I am confused: I want to make a game about meditation, but I don’t know about meditation. The solution has come out along with the problem: Go do some research on meditation.


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